Reducing Food Waste
Food waste is a big problem worldwide.
Processors can make a big difference in controlling avoidable food loss at source, by limiting waste that occurs in factory processing methods.

Equipping a processing line to mitigate this food loss can help cut down on what we throw away.
By being more aware of where food loss occurs in the process and making effective changes, we can move towards better resource use, and more food for the consumer.

Extractacore Iceberg Lettuce

Equip the Line

  • Extractacore robot cell in a salad factory

    Extractacore Robotic Cell

    Here in the salad factory its food grade all the way!

    We use 304L/316L stainless steel as standard, a high hygiene specification throughout the equipment and we comply with UK/EU safety regulations.

  • Extractacore infeed conveyor

    What's Inside!

    Yes, it’s FANUC yellow. Synonymous with longevity, these robots have a fabulous reputation for loooooong reliable service.

    Also an intuitive award winning vision system - we’ll tell you more about this later on!

  • Salad factory using Extractacore de-corer

    Lets get to it!

    Our robot just loves crates of whole head iceberg waiting to be de-cored! We can process a whole pallet in only a few minutes.

    Running at a steady pace of 55 heads de-cored per minute, these pallets are history in no time!

Achieve the Goal

  • Pallet of iceberg lettuce

    Begin with a Pallet of Iceberg ......

    We processed this whole pallet of Iceberg lettuce in just under 15 minutes with two operators. Running the cell at 55 heads per minute to gain maximum through-put.

  • Extractacore waste core from a whole pallet

    Waste Core!

    All of the waste generated from the whole pallet fitted into just 1 crate with extra room to spare. The yield of useable product achieved from this pallet was 97.2%.

  • Extractacore de-corer

    End Game!

    Up close we can see that only the core has been removed, and that excessive waste from around the core has been avoided. Product yield is high, and the useable product is ready to continue down the processing line.